WaFd Bank Homeowner Assistance
WaFd Bank's Homeowner Assistance Department is here to assist our mortgage customers experiencing financial difficulty. A variety of options that may be available are:Options for Keeping Your Home
Options for Selling or Transferring Your Home
How to Apply
Below you will find our application and a list of documents required. There may be additional documents or information requested upon review of your application. If you are unable to access the form linked below, contact us and we will send it to you.
Please note: Loans secured by second homes or rental properties, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), lot loans, and other personal loans are not eligible for Homeowner Assistance.
- Homeowner Assistance Application, fully completed and signed
- Pay stubs, if applicable, for the prior two months
- All W-2's received for the prior year
- All bank and investment account statements, excluding retirement accounts, for the prior two months
- If self-employed and/or receiving rental income:
- Prior two (2) years signed tax returns with all schedules
- Prior two fiscal year-end and year to date financial statements (profit and loss and balance sheet) for any entities owned by you
Alternatively, you may drop off the package at your local WaFd Bank branch or mail it to the address below. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at homeownerassistance@wafd.com or call us at 866-453-9710.
WaFd Bank
Attn: Homeowner Assistance Department
425 Pike Street
Seattle, WA 98101
Additional Resources
For a list of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies that can provide foreclosure prevention information, contact one of the following federal government agencies: