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Business Rates

We offer competitive rates for your business needs

Effective 3/25/2025. Rates and annual percentage yields (APY) are subject to change without notice. Terms on amounts over $1,000,000 must be approved in advance. Member FDIC. Account service charges or withdrawals may reduce earnings. Please ask us for details.

Business 7-Month CD SpecialBusiness 7-Month CD Special*

$1,000 - $1,000,000
With Eligible Checking or $25k New Money:
Interest Rate/APY
Without Checking:
Interest Rate/APY
$1,000 minimum to open

Business 13-Month CD SpecialBusiness 13-Month CD Special*

$1,000 - $1,000,000
With Eligible Checking or $25k New Money:
Interest Rate/APY
Without Checking:
Interest Rate/APY
$1,000 minimum to open

Business 19-Month CD SpecialBusiness 19-Month CD Special*

$1,000 - $1,000,000
With Eligible Checking or $25k New Money:
Interest Rate/APY
Without Checking:
Interest Rate/APY
$1,000 minimum to open

Business 30-Month CD SpecialBusiness 30-Month CD Special*

$1,000 - $1,000,000
With Eligible Checking or $25k New Money:
Interest Rate/APY
Without Checking:
Interest Rate/APY
$1,000 minimum to open

Business Premium Money MarketBusiness Premium Money Market**

$1,000 - $14,999
0.80% Interest Rate
0.80% APY

$15,000 +
0.99% Interest Rate
1.00% APY

$100 minimum to open. $1,000 minimum to earn interest and avoid $12 monthly service charge. Maximum $100,000 deposit per client.

Eligible business checking accounts include Simple Business and Business Interest Checking.

* $1,000 minimum to open

** $100 minimum to open. $1,000 minimum to earn interest and avoid $12 monthly service charge. Maximum $100,000 deposit per client.

Business SavingsBusiness Savings
$25 minimum to open. $100 minimum to earn interest and $200 to avoid $5 monthly service charge.
0.40% Interest Rate
0.40% APY
Business Money MarketBusiness Money Market
$100 minimum to open. $1,000 minimum to earn interest and avoid $12 monthly service charge.$1,000 - $89,999
0.80% Interest Rate
0.80% APY
$90,000 +
0.90% Interest Rate
0.90% APY
Business Interest CheckingBusiness Interest Checking
$100 minimum to open. $1,000 minimum to earn interest. $5,000 minimum to avoid $15 service charge.$1,000 - $9,999
0.15% Interest Rate
0.15% APY
$10,000 - $7,999,999
0.25% Interest Rate
0.25% APY

Fixed Rate Certificates of Deposit

$1,000 minimum to open. A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.

Choice of Terms$1,000 - $89,999
Interest Rate/APY %
$90,000 +
Interest Rate/APY %
Renewal Term
14 Days - 2 MonthsN/A0.10/0.1014 Days - 2 Months
3 Months0.05/0.050.10/0.103 Months
4 - 5 MonthsSee aboveListed CDSpecials
6 - 11 Months0.15/0.150.20/0.206 - 11 Months
12 - 17 Months0.20/0.200.25/0.2512 - 17 Months
18 - 23 Months0.20/0.200.25/0.2518 - 23 Months
24 - 35 Months0.20/0.200.25/0.2524 - 35 Months
36 - 47 Months0.20/0.200.25/0.2536 - 47 Months
48 - 59 Months0.25/0.250.30/0.3048 - 59 Months
60 Months0.30/0.300.35/0.3560 Months

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