Schedule of Consumer Fees & Service Charges
Effective 7/17/2024
All fees and service charges are subject to change. We'll mail you a notice 30 days before any increase in fees takes effect.
Checking Accounts
*Free Checking | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
No Minimum Balance Service Charge | |
Rewards Checking | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Includes Rewards | |
Service Charge | $6 Per Month |
Premium Rewards Checking | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Includes Premium Rewards | |
Service Charge | $9 Per Month |
Interest Checking† | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Includes Premium Rewards | |
Minimum Balance to Waive Service Charge | $5,000 daily balance or a $50,000 balance in related accounts |
Service Charge | $12 |
No Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | |
Fresh Start (BankOn Certified) | |
Not eligible for checks or starter checks | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Service Charge | $4 Per Month |
Savings & Money Market
Money Market† | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Minimum Balance to Waive Service Charge | $1,000 |
Service Charge | $10 Per Month |
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | $1,000 |
High Yield Money Market† | |
Promotion may be discontinued at any time | |
Not Available for IRAs or Business Clients | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Minimum Balance to Waive Service Charge | $1,000 |
Service Charge | $10 Per Month |
Savings† | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
Minimum Balance to Waive Service Charge | $100 |
Service Charge | $3 Per Month |
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | $100 |
Start Savings† | |
Requires a checking account to open. | |
Initial Deposit | $25 |
No Minimum Balance Service Charge | |
No Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | |
Minor Savings† | |
No Minimum Balance Service Charge - Under Age 18 | |
Initial Deposit | $10 |
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | $10 |
Save at School Savings† | |
Only available to elementary school aged minors part of an active Save at School program | |
Initial Deposit | $5 |
Minimum Balance to Waive Service Charge | $5 |
In Person Payments
Cashier's Checks | |
Cashier's Checks | $8 Per Check |
Collections and Foreign Check Processing | |
All Check Collections | $50 Per Collection |
Canadian Check Processing | $10 Per Presentment |
All Other Foreign Check Processing | $30 Per Presentment |
External Transfers | |
Must be scheduled by 9:30am PT for same day guarantee | |
Pre-Authorized Transaction - Same Day | $10 Per Transfer |
Wire Transfers | |
Incoming | $15 Per Wire |
Outgoing—Domestic | $25 Per Wire |
Outgoing—International | $45 Per Wire |
Other Fees & Services
Card Replacement—Standard Service | $5 Per Card |
Card Replacement—Expedited Service | $40 Per Card |
Check Images with Monthly Statement | $5 Per Month |
Inactive Account Fee—Checking only Assessed after 270 days without activity | $5 Per Month |
Legal Processing | $75 Per Occurrence |
Loan Payment—Returned Check Fee | $20 Per Presentment |
Nonsufficient Funds Fee (NSF) | $30 Per Presentment |
NSF Daily Maximum | 3 or $90 per day |
Research Fee (1 Hour Minimum)‡ | $30 Per Hour |
Box Availability** Safe deposit box size and availability vary by location. Please ask a branch representative for a quote. | |
Safe Deposit Box Key Deposit | $20 |
Safe Deposit Box Drilling | Varies by Location |
Stop Payment | $30 Per Check |
VISA International Transaction Fee | 1% Per Transaction |
*Nonsufficient Funds Fees may apply.
**Safe Deposit Box Annual Rent Schedule available upon request.
†Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly.
‡Assessed only if request will take at least one hour. Includes cost for statement, deposit ticket and/or check copies.
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